Friday, March 28, 2008

The basics of currency

The basics of currency in my town is kind of simple;
These (above) are the 5 basic amounts. (note: Due to the shortage of money in the town, items cost much less than in real life (I.E a car might cost 25).)

Gold (above) are the second most common of the money, and its value is 1.
Neon Green crystals (above) are the most common. while they don't actually have an official value, most civilians will except them as $5.
Blue Crystal is the third most common. It is worth 10.
Red crystal is the second rarest. Its value is 50.
Green crystals are more common. they are worth 100.
Orange crystals are the least common; (i have a total of 4). they are worth 1000.

Note (#2): the value is per stud. (I.E one stud of blue is worth 10, 2 studs of blue is worth 20. ETC)

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